Kang Daniel's Pre-release song, Waves.
1. I got shocked the moment I saw the gif ㅋㅋㅋ3. His proportions are crazy.8. What's up with the length of his arms and legs? His physique is crazy.11. His face and proportions are crazy.23. Amazing.24. A mannequin is dancing. What's up with his proportions.25. More than his physique or proportions, I like his face here a lot ㅋㅋ42. Did I see it wrong or something? What's up with his proportions, it's amazing ㄷㄷㄷㄷ55. His dance lines are pretty, it's probably because his body lines are pretty.56. Heol, a mannequin is moving.63. I want to see Waves during the year end award shows.64. He's my fave, but I still haven't adjusted to his proportions yet ㅠㅠㅠ66. Wow, so you have to look like that to be a celebrity. He's really like a game character.73. Because of his face shape, he looks even more like a doll.74. Really crazy.90. This is shocking. Is this kind of physique possible ㅠㅠ102. No but... is this a human being? No matter how many times I look at it..113. I've seen Kang Daniel a few times in person, he's handsome and has a good physique.117. He totally looks like a doll. If there wasn't people around him, I wouldn't believe it.127. I'm impressed every time I see his proportions. This was how it was like when I saw him in person - his legs are really long.128. There are a lot of tall idols, but why is Kang Daniel's body the only one that caught my eye? What exactly is the difference?129. This is similar to how he looks in real life. If you see him in person, he really seems like a mannequin. It's unrealistic.132. He's not just tall, but his proportions are crazy.137. It's a physique that you'd hate to stand next to.138. My friend said it's true that this is how he looks in person ㅎㄷㄷㄷ146. It's like his legs are my entire height. It's daebak.148. Crazy. I thought it was a mannequin.149. What's up with his chest. What's up with his legs.156. Heol, it's daebak. I knew his legs were long, but his proportions are amazing..160. This really is close to how he is in person, but no matter how many times I look at this, I can't believe it.172. Someone said that Kang Daniel's upper body is just a courtesy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ173. What's up with the length of his legs? His proportions are like a manhwa.175. It's a good thing there's people next to him. If it was only Kang Daniel, I'd wonder if it was edited. Wow, his proportions are amazing.176. His face is really small too. It's daebak.208. This is similar to how he looks in person. It's like a doll is walking.216. If you see him in person, his upper body looks more thick(?) but his face, proportions and legs are another level. He's really a power idol.217. Wow, crazy. Even if this is filmed to make them look taller, he's the only one whose proportions are crazy.218. Even in the forth level of Gocheok Dome, you can see Kang Daniel's legs and shoulders.222. It's daebak when he turns.248. I saw him and his legs really are way up there... I wondered if he was human 10 times.266. ???? What's up with his proportions. He's like a game character.272. I've seen Kang Daniel before when I went to see my fave, but he really looks like this in personㅋㅋㅋ His legs are so long.275. In real life, his chest and shoulders look a bit bigger than in the video. But his proportions are exactly like that, so he looked like a mannequin.276. When I saw him from 5m away at a KT event last year, he looked like that.283. Kang Daniel's proportions are good. I've seen him right in front of me before, and he's tall, his proportions are good and his legs are long too.287. Isn't Kang Daniel known for having a small head and long legs?291. You really can't hate on Kang Daniel using his physique. He's really like a doll.292. Heol, he's totally like a doll. And he dances well too.301. Wow daebak. It's like a CG hologram was displayed in between people. His legs are so long and pretty.313. Because of his face shape, he looks more 2D. His proportions are out of this world.344. I've seen him in person, and you really don't see anything but his legs.402. Everyone's just talking about his physique. I've always known he has a good physique, but his dance lines look good even when he's just lightly dancing, so I keep on watching.409. Look at the picture I took of Daniel. It's a screenshot of video from the basic camera of an iPhone 🥰🥰421. I saw him at the forth level of Gocheok Dome. His physique screams, "I am Kang Daniel".447. Wow.... Give me just 5cm...450. I've seen him in person too, and he does look like that but with a bigger frame. His legs are really long, and all of a sudden, there's his sturdy(?) shoulders, so he really catches your eye.554. Wow, his physique is amazing ㄷㄷㄷ I saw someone say before that if you look at just Kang Daniel's upper body, he seems like he's 170; if you look at just his legs, he seems like he's 190; and if you at just his face, he seems like a highschooler ㅋㅋㅋ He's like a living mannequin in that video. Go on more variety shows. Rather than indoor shows, I hope he goes on dance related ones or outdoor variety shows.584. I saw him in a performance, and even from afar, his legs are really long and slim - he really catches your eye.598. I was thinking he had a good physique in his recent dance practice video, but his head is smaller and his physique more amazing than I thought.600. There's a lot of times where Kang Daniel's looks and physique look out of this world like a game character. It drives fans crazy.