"Although Kang Daniel is an idol that represents the nation, I've known that he was a part of the street bboying culture. I've searched for a lot of his videos to watch too.
I thought that Kang Daniel would be perfectly capable of being the MC. We received a lot of help from Kang Daniel during the recording of the battles."
There were quite a few comments like this during SWF:
"Eh, Kang Daniel was a bboy?"
Yes, he did bboying since middle school.

From 4m50s~
Busking video

The bboy competition he entered during middle school.

His days as a bboy teacher for a middle school club.

Bboy teach, we love you
His bboying from after his debut.

Currently, it's been a while since he's bboyed, and since you can hurt yourself if you don't continually practice it, it'll be hard to see him bboying now.
3. Since his legs are so long, it's so refreshing to watch ㅋㅋㅋㅋ4. Ah, so that's why he's the MC. I was wondering what correlation there was, but now I know!9. Heol, the pictures in his school uniform are so cute ㅋㅋ But maybe it's because his legs are so long, but he really looks like a spinning windmill ㅋㅋ10. Wow, he's good. He uses his body well.11. Since his legs are so long, it looks like it'd be really refreshing to stand next to him when he does windmills.13. He does a lot of fascinating tricks. It's daebak.14. Wow, the last picture is the most fascinating. How can he do that.15. Wow, he's better than I thought. But the length of his legs is crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ17. I think that since he's an idol, he doesn't get full acknowledgement.. If you watch his practice videos, you can really see his dancer days. I don't have much interest in male idols, but since Kang Daniel's dancing is fun, I end up watching his.22. The photo from his bboy teacher days is cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ29. So he really properly did bboying, and not just tried it a bit. He's really good.37. What's up with the handstand at the end.41. I was only aware that he did bboyinf, but didn't know he's so good at it.44. His core is daebak.52. I'm fascinating by this. It looks like his neck is going to break, but he's good.58. I really want to see him do windmills. It seems like I'll actually feel a breeze ㅎㅎㅎ64. Because of his physique, he looks even more cool.88. I've heard that he bboyed, but it really made me think that he knows what he was doing when he said he watched a lot of Yell's performances at the start of SWF during the dancer's battles ㅋㅋㄱㅋ94. No wonder he's doing a good job emceeing in SWF.99. Seeing as how the production staff received help from the MC, he was picked well. Maybe it's because he has street experience, but he knows that atmosphere well.100. Because of his length, it makes you see the techniques even better ㅋㅋㅋ Even if it's not to his past level, I hope he'll show a bit of if every here and there.104. It's not something I know well, but isn't it a bit of a disadvantage to be tall in bboying? Watching Kang Daniel's videos, it's great because it's so refreshing, but it's also fascinating that he can do that with his long legs.105. I started to like him because he's good at emceeing.119. Seeing as how he knew Yell is a bgirl in SWF, I searched it up and turns out he was a bboy himself. It seems like he knows dancing well, and his reactions are good so it's fun. I didn't think of him as a dancer, but I'm seeing him in a new light.122. Heol, I had no idea!126. It's no joke. The arm and core strength he has to hold up his entire body is amazing.145. Oh, I knew even though I'm not a fan, so I thought it was well known ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So there's a lot of people who are unaware. I know because he'd bboy when he goes out on variety shows. His core strength is daebak amazing.147. His body is big, but he doesn't seem heavy at all, and instead looks strong and flexible.157. ☞52 I'm curious whether it hurts his head or not ㅋㅋㅋ Kang Daniel looks so cute, but the fact that he's so good at bboying is a reversal. So cool158. It seems like it'd be hard for him to control when he does the bboy techniques because his legs are so long, but he's good.160. He does it all so lightly, it's fascinating.163. I just casually clicked in to see, but I had no idea he was this good. It's so fascinating...165. He knows the dancing culture well, and his reactions are real reactions from having watched a lot of battles, so I've come to like him. He suits being an MC.172. Since his legs are so long, I'd be scared of getting hit standing next to him ㅋㅋㅋ173. So his legs have been long since he was young ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So refreshing.182. So he's bboyed before even though he's that big. You usually don't see people with that kind of build do it, so it's fascinating.187. I'm all dizzy in his stead. It's amazing.192. His core is daebak. I'm jealous of his core and long limbs. But when your body is big, it's hard to control and you can look heavy, but he looks light and does well.224. His face is so cute, but his legs are crazy long ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is the most fascinating to me, I don't understand how he's doing it.233. I remember how he said to bgirl Yell in SWF that it's an honour and that he watched a lot of her videos ㅎㅎ How does he move his body around like that, it's so fascinating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ234. There were a lot posts in K-Talk wondering if he's a bboy ㅋㅋ It's cute how he won an award in middle school.240. His bboying is refreshing. Maybe it's because he's done battles himself, but there's something unique about his emceeing. Unlike other shows' MCs, he enjoys himself and dances along as well. I like that.248. He's one of my fancam picks. I like Kang Daniel's dancing.250. Wow, it's my first time seeing these gifs, but his legs are really long and slender. I'm jealous ㅋㅋ256. I like Kang Daniel's fancams because you can really tell that he loves to dance. In SWF too, it's great seeing how much he's enjoying himself. He's good at bboying, and there's no need to even say anything about his physique.282. The downside of Kang Daniel dancing videos is that he does it so easily.... It makes it seem like I could do it too.... and I end up giving it a try ㅜㅠ283. Heol, I had no idea. But he's so cool, I'll have to watch some clips later.306. He obviously is good, but he does some really fascinating tricks so I keep on looking at it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ310. The busking video is so cute. Even back then, he keeps on giving reactions with a smile ㅋㅋㅋ313. Wow, for each gif, I looked at them really concentrated with my mouth wide open. For some of the ones where he's using his core, I was in a state of 'How is that even possible??' ㅋㅋ So fascinating.315. He's so good at it. And since he's done modern dance too, his dance lines are no joke. He's really good at dancing.324. He's spinning, but I was surprised at the length of his legs. He's good. I've come to discover a lot about Kang Daniel because of SWF.333. His legs are long and he's tall, so it should be hard to control his body.. but he's does so well and his core's so good that it's not an issue.. He's born with that relentless effort...350. Wow, his middle school bboy videos are so cute. I've come to like him watching his emceeing on SWF.353. It's so cute how he was a bboying club teacher ㅋㅋㅋㅋ In the photos too, he's smiling as he's doing the tricks ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ407. Windmill ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I had no idea he was a bboy. In the middle though, he was a total baby but he was able to do that with one hand. It's fascinating.411. His lower body is that long, it's so surprising that his upper body can support that all. Physically, it's definitely a disadvantage for your legs to be long.428. Heol, I didn't know. No wonder he's enjoying himself so much ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I like him ㅠ440. Wow, look at how long his legs are. And he's good at bboying too. Watching his SWF reactions, he seems to have a high understanding of dance and he seems to be genuinely enjoying himself, so it's nice to see.